On Thursday 17th March 2016 Hagai delivered the prestigious Annual Lecture for the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals, at the RAF Club in Piccadilly.
The Master of another Worshipful Company who attended (Chris Allen, Worshipful Company of Tobacco Pipe Makers & Tobacco Blenders) posted on his blog that it was "an incredible tour de force by the lecturer Hagai Segal... who spoke entertainingly for 45 minutes without notes. We struggle to understand the complex politics of this region and the tragic consequences of terrorism in our own countries and Hagai Segal succeeded in shedding considerable light on these difficult issues."
Master, Wardens, Hagai Segal and Clerk.
© Gerald Sharp Photography
Master, Wardens, Clerk, Hagai Segal and Sponsors from QCIC
© Gerald Sharp Photography